September 14th, 2023 - App Update

Welcome to the newest update for Compound!

We’ve been diligently working on crushing bugs throughout the summer, and recently created an easier way for users to report bugs.

To find our new bug reporting system, all you have to do is open your profile in the top right hand corner.

To report a new issue, hit the button that says “Report An Issue”. That will generate a popup window that allows you to title and report an issue, in the app

Report your issue here

When you hit submit, you will receive an email confirmation that has a copy of your error report. The Compound Team will be notified on the app and via email.

After the error has been submitted, you’ll be redirected to a new screen. We decided to streamline this function and turn our error reporting into an open chat/message board function, to ensure no errors are ever lost again.

This should help speed up bug fixing greatly! You will have a log of all bugs you’ve reported and their current status as well.

The Issue List Hub

All of your bug reports will be hosted here. You can see every bug you have reported to the app, their status, and the last time the issue was viewed.

Chat Log

Your chat log with our support staff will be updated as soon as any messages are sent. You’ll receive an email copy of all communications as well.


October 26th, 2023 - App Update


May 19th, 2023 - Bug Fixes